Thursday, May 28, 2009

Before I proceed with The David Terhune Show, I want to make clear that this is not The Gramma Show. In this video, my mother (referred to as Gramma for the sake of the camaraperson - my daughter and her granddaughter) tried to take over The David Terhune Show with her own show. But I think I cleverly thwarted that attempt and emerged the victor. C'mon, all you... 'hunes!


  1. I think I saw your mom on TV once...

  2. She's a natural.
    You're an excellent guitar player.
    That's entertainment.

  3. Definitely "The Gramma Show!" That David 'Hune isn't fooling anybody with his pompous display of self-importance! And whatever happened to having respect for your elders?? I know that anyone watching that video will quickly discern the truth - and that truth is: "It's The Gramma Show, it's The Gramma Show!"
    Note: This comment was not posted by Gramma. Really.

  4. Love the Grandma Show. She needs to lose the sidekick.

  5. This isn't fair! It's The David Terhune Show! I should never of had Gramma on the show...

  6. Hello! I believe this debate will be short lived. Being as I am the daughter, granddaughter, and “camera man” of these competitors I will say this; “The Gramma Show” wins and that's the end of it. It's obvious since the points made in her argument do not only suggest a better aptitude for this work, but a better character. The David Terhune Show is holding on to but a thread of sanity and dignity. Unless “The David Terhune Show” is able to show its own “colors” it will sink further into the depths of its own failure. I therefore submit this response in order to inform David Terhune of the insecurity and infamy of his show. Thank you.
